Sunday, February 3, 2008

Winter at the Zoo

We decided to take a trip to the Zoo today. It was Super Bowl Sunday, and about 35 degrees, so it just seemed like the natural thing to do. Although many of the animals weren't out because of the cold, it was actually a pretty good day to go since there was almost nobody there. Lexi was able to run around all over the place without crashing in to too many strangers. Here are some pics of highlights.

Lexi, closer to a polar bear's butt than she ever thought she'd be.

Lexi, watching a sea lion swim past the window.

Lexi and Monica checking out critters in the desert habitat building.

Lexi, petting a shark. She LOVED the shark petting, and the splashing in the water, despite the signs clearly telling her NOT to splash.

Lexi and me checking out a fish tank in the Oceans building. I'm not real sure why I am quite so excited here.

Lexi and Monica spotting the red panda, which was hiding in a tree.

Lexi and Monica saying hello to a friendly meercat.

Lexi, checking out the meercats in their burrow.

1 comment:

Brook said...

That looks like a lot of fun! I knew you liked to live on the edge... but letting your 1 year old pet sharks?? Just kidding. Someone was telling me about that exhibit, and how cool it is. We need to go sometime.